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Why should you learn SUDARSHAN KRIYA?

How it Works

Like atoms, our central core is positive. The electrons, or negative charge, are only on the surface. Because that positivity is already in you, it’s not something you have to learn or get. On the contrary, when through the breath you drop the negativity on the outside, you automatically connect to peace, joy and strength that is inside.


clearstress from every cell of your body

By tuning the patterns of breath through the Sudarshan Kriya, you can deeply clear accumulated stress and tension on a cellular level, removing negative emotions and impressions from your system


unlock your inner peace

Once you drop the negativity, you naturally without effort connect back to your inner core where you can experience inner peace, clarity and joy.


become unshakable

With a clear and calm state of mind your perception, observation and expression of life changes. You gain freedom from past regrets and future worries, stress, and anxiety. A few minutes of daily practice help you to:

  • Shift your mind
  • Become a master of your emotions
  • Gain power over your own life


Getting rid of people and situations is not the answer, but dealing with them with skill is the answer. And silence is the mother of all skills - silencing this chattering mind with a few minutes of deep meditation. Then you will see that everything changes.”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of The Art of Living

How this workshop  is changing lives