Friday, January 21, 2022




This year we are celebrating Mahashivratri at 1st of March 2022

Mahashivratri is one of the most revered festivals in India and is celebrated by Hindus with immense devotion and reverence in honor of Lord Shiva. The word Shivaratri means Shiva's night. It is said that Shivaratri is celebrated to mark the day when Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati.

On the occasion of Maha Shivaratri, devotees observe a day-long fast and offer prayers to Lord Shiva. It is also believed that whoever worships Lord Shiva on this day attains salvation. The benefit of fasting on this day can be equal to the rigorous prayer of the whole year! The scriptures state that anyone who worships Lord Shiva, and fasts on Mahashivaratri, will love them more than his son Kartik.

So, are you all ready to drown in the joy of fasting and prayer on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivaratri? Here are some tips for fasting to keep you physically and spiritually healthy and rejuvenated.

In 2022  we are celebrating  Mahashivratri on 1st of March

Who is shiva??

                                                 Who is Shiva? Is he someone sitting somewhere?
                                                What is Shiva? Is that a special state?
                                               No! Shiva is not a person sitting in the sky.



Shiva is the consciousness from where everything begins, where everything is nourished and in which everything merges. You are never outside 'Shiva' because the whole creation exists in Shiva. Your mind, body, everything is made up of Shiva element only, that's why Shiva is called 'Vishwaroop' which means that the whole creation is his form.



There is a very beautiful story about Shiva. Once Brahma (creator of the universe) and Vishnu (the follower of the world) were looking for the answer to the question 'Who is Shiva?'. They wanted to know Shiva fully. So Brahma said to Vishnu- "I seek his head, you find his feet. For thousands of years Vishnu went down deep in search of Shiva's feet and Brahma reached the top looking for Shiva's head but both of them reached Only failed.

Here it means that Shiva has no beginning and end. At last they both met in the middle and came to the conclusion that they could not find Shiva. It is from here that Shivalinga came into existence. Shivalinga is a symbolic expression of Anant Shiva.



The world is a confluence of opposing values. It has both positive and negative qualities. If there is fire in the universe, there is also water; If there is evil, there is also good. Shiva is present in all contrary values. That is why Shiva is called Rudra (fiery) and at the same time he is also called Bholenath. While he is called Sundaresh, he is also called Aghor (Bhayakar). In a famous prayer, Shiva is called Gauram (fiery) and in the same line he is also called Karunavatar.



Shiva is beyond the awakening, sleeping and dream state of consciousness. Shiva is samadhi - the fourth state of consciousness, which can only be attained in meditation. In samadhi, the mind is completely in sync. It is also calm and fully aware at the same time.



Namami-Shamishananirvana Rupam, Vividha Vyavaram Brahma-Veda Swarupam.
Nijam nirgunam nirvikalpam nirahan, chidakashmakashwasam bhajehan ||

Meaning:He is divine, he is omnipotent, he is omniscient. There is no place where Shiva is not there. This is the sky; They are consciousness, where all knowledge is present. They are unborn and non-virtuous. This is that state of samadhi where there is nothing, only the empty sky of inner consciousness. He is Shiva!

Fast of mahashivratri

FASTING: Fasting is the willful refrainment from eating. In a physiological context, fasting may refer to the metabolic status of a person who has not eaten overnight, or to the metabolic state achieved after complete digestion and absorption of a meal. 

Why should we fast on Shivratri?

Fasting or fasting is an important part of Mahashivaratri festival throughout the year of India. Many people fast on this day. On other festivals of Hinduism, where puja is offered to the Lord after worship, on the other hand, the fast of Shivaratri goes on throughout the day and it is opened only after sunrise in the morning.

There is a reason behind observing Shivaratri fast. By fasting or fasting, the body undergoes detachment (cleansing of the body) and the mind returns to its true form again. Lightness is felt in the body and one gets relief from the turmoil in the mind. As soon as the upheaval in the mind becomes conscious, awareness begins to rise in it. Such a mind is prepared for meditation and prayer and this is the focal point of Mahashivaratri festival. Keeping the mind alert and awake.

Discontinuation makes the mind and body light and this gives strength to our prayers. By meditating and fasting on Shivaratri, our desires come to fruition. It is said that the person who follows Shivaratri fast with honesty and devotion, Lord Shiva's blessings showered upon him and his every wish is fulfilled.

Some simple rules of Mahashivaratri fast / fast

The fast of Shivaratri begins on the morning of the festival and ends in the morning the next day. Like the Shivaratrias who come every month, the fasting rule of Mahashivaratri is the same. Some pilgrims keep a waterless fast, while others do fruitful. By the way, there should be a mixture of fruit and water in fasting, that is, if you are thirsty, then you should consume water and if you are hungry you should consume fruit. So that the body remains light and whatever food you are eating, it gets digested. Before fasting, it is better to have your pulse tested. From this, it will be known whether according to the nature of your app, fasting is suitable for you or not.

Pulses, rice, wheat and plain salt should not be used in the food you eat during Mahashivaratri. You can use rock salt instead of plain salt. 

Some examples of food suitable for fasting are as follows: -

Importance of the Mahashivratri

“The only purpose behind celebrating Mahashivaratri is to bring alive every particle present in your body. Through the celebration, you are reminded that after leaving all kinds of struggle, walk on the path of truth, beauty, peace and philanthropy - which is the virtue of Shiva. ”
  - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We worship Shiva on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri. Devotees stay awake all night and celebrate Shivaratri in this auspicious hour. There is a feeling of divinity in the atmosphere through the yajna, the upliftment, cultivation and meditation of Veda mantras. Through these sacred activities, you become one with yourself and with the whole creation.

While on one hand there are many stories and legends about Shiv ji and they have their own importance. At the same time, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar highlights the importance of Mahashivratri, saying that "Shiva is not a man but a power of energy in which the whole universe dwells and this energy resides within every living being." This energy is called Shiva tattva ”.


"Night" means night or resting time. At the time of Mahashivaratri we rest in our consciousness. It is time to celebrate with our conscience and consciousness, we go to the shelter of divine consciousness through spiritual practice on the day of Mahashivaratri. There are two ways to go to the shelter of divine consciousness: meditation (sadhana) and devotion. Surrender means that there is a power to keep faith, which is taking care of us every moment and protecting us. Peace is established within us through spiritual practice and dedication which helps us to understand the reality of Mahashivaratri.


Lord Shiva is everywhere. There is no difference between our soul and Shiva. That is why they also sing this hymn, "Shivaham Shivaham ..." I am Shiva. Shiva is the symbol of truth, beauty and infinity, Shiva is the essence of our soul. Shiva is the symbol of our being. When we worship Lord Shiva, then we are honoring the divine qualities within us.


Mahashivratri is the day of celebrating the Shiva element. On this day all the seekers and devotees celebrate together. Shiva Tattva i.e. Ko Siddhanta or Truth which represents our soul. It is a beautiful moment when we can experience this element within ourselves through the medium of meditation. This is the highest quality of truth that we are looking for. It is said that Mahashivaratri is a time of intense relaxation for spiritual practice, body, mind and ego. Which makes the devotee aware of the highest knowledge.


If you have to go beyond this material world, then it can be reached only through detachment and spiritual practice. There are many dimensions of our existence. Those who have entered the microscopic level of this creation, it has come to their experience that Shiva dance is constantly moving. If you want to enjoy it, then you have to go beyond body, mind, intellect, mind and ego.



According to Indian astrology, there are certain times and days in a year which are considered very favorable for spiritual growth and meditation. Mahashivratri is one of them. Meditation takes you beyond mind and intellect. During meditation there comes a point where we enter 'infinite'; It is that infinite where there is also 'love' and 'nothingness'. This experience takes us to the fourth level of consciousness, which is called "Shiva".


It is believed that on the day of Mahashivaratri, the element of Shiva is in contact with the earth. It is said that our consciousness and our aura are some 10 inches above the physical level and on the day of Mahashivaratri the cosmic consciousness touches the earth element. This is the best time to live in silence or to live with your consciousness. Therefore, Maha Shivaratri has special significance in the life of a seeker. This is the time of marriage of materiality and spirituality.

Come, celebrate Mahashivratri festival on 11 March 2021 in the context of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the International Center of Art of Living .Stay connected here to experience the grand Mahashivratri.

Why do we celebrate Mahashivratri  ? and what to do on Mahashivratri ?

There is a power, a mysterious energy with which the whole world is moving. Scientists have not yet been able to give it a name. However, the sages and saints of ancient times have called this unknown power Shiva.

Shiva is the energy that is present within every living being. It is due to this energy that we are able to do our daily activities like breathing, eating, lifting, walking and sitting. This energy not only drives living beings, but it also works in non-living things. This is how Shiva governs the existence.

Why do we celebrate Mahashivaratri?

In the turbulence of life, we have lost our soul - which is present within us. Maha Shivaratri is a festival to increase our consciousness and to increase our life force through meditation and to carry it to our source.

But, why is Shivaratri celebrated? By the way, there are many stories about Mahashivratri. Some of them are mentioned here:

  • It is said that on the day of Mahashivaratri, Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati.
  • When the gods and the demons were churning the sea in search of nectar, the poison came out of the churning and Lord Shiva himself, after drinking the poison, had stopped it in his throat, due to which his body turned blue and also called him "Neelkanth". goes. They saved both the creation and the gods by drinking poison, so this is also why the festival of Shivaratri is celebrated.
  • Another legend is that when Goddess Ganga was descending on the earth in full swing, it was Lord Shiva who held her in his jatas. Due to which the Earth was saved from destruction. Hence, this day is also celebrated as Shivaratri and the consecration of Shivling is also done on this day.
  • There is also a belief that on the day of Shivaratri, God had embodied the physical form in the form of lingodbhava, which is the formless form. That is why devotees stay awake all night and worship Lord Shiva.

What to do on Mahashivaratri?

Mahashivaratri is the day when we worship Lord Shiva. We honor our lives. On the day of Mahashivaratri, most people celebrate by meditating, worshiping and singing Shiva bhajans. You can also participate in some of these:

(1) fasting

Fasting causes detoxification of the body, which brings peace to the mind. When the mind is calm, it easily goes into meditation. Therefore, fasting on Mahashivaratri brings relief to the mind and mind. It is advisable to eat fruits or food that is easily digestible on this day. Learn more about Maha Shivaratri fast

(2) Meditation
The position of constellations on the night of Mahashivaratri is considered very auspicious for meditation. Therefore, people are advised to stay awake and meditate on Shivaratri. In ancient times, people used to say, 'If you cannot meditate every day, then meditate at least once a year. Do this on Mahashivaratri - wake up and meditate. '

(3) Ministerial

  • Chanting the mantra “Om Namah: Shivaay” on Mahashivaratri is most beneficial. This mantra immediately lifts up your energy.
  • The sound of "ॐ" in the mantra is the sound of the universe. Which means love and peace. These five letters in "Nam: Shivaay" refer to the five elements "n", "m", "shi", "wa", "y". There are five elements - earth, water, fire, air and sky.
  • Chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" creates harmony among these five elements present in the universe. When these five elements reconcile love, peace, then bliss arises.

(4) What is the benefit of joining Mahashivaratri Puja / Rudra Puja:
Rudra Puja or Mahashivaratri Puja is worship done in honor of Lord Shiva. Rudra Puja is of great importance on the day of Mahashivaratri, which also includes the recitation of Vedic mantras along with special rituals. Rudra puja leads to positivity and purity in the environment. It converts negative thoughts and feelings. By sitting in the puja and listening to the mantras, the mind easily gets into deep meditation.
On this Mahashivratri , you are warmly welcomed at the Art of Living International Center in Bengaluru. Come and be a part of divinity.

(5) Worship of
Shivling Shivling is a symbol of the formless Shiva. In Shivalinga Puja, "Bel Patras" (leaves of Bel tree) are offered. Offering the "Bel Patra" Shivalinga refers to the surrendering of three qualities - Tamas (the quality that leads to inertia), Rajas (the quality that is the factor of activities), Sattva (the quality that brings positivity, creativity and peace of life. is). These three qualities affect your mind and actions. Dedication of these three qualities to divinity brings peace and freedom.

Importance of the Lingam

Shivling is a symbol of Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva is revered throughout the universe. He is formless! How can you join them, recognize that which is formless, is intangible. There should be a symbol to identify him, a symbol to identify him. Our ancient visionaries were very knowledgeable and intelligent, they placed a round and oval stone to identify Lord Shiva, which we worship as Shivalinga.

In ancient times, it has not been seen whether the Lord has taken the trident or anything else. There was only one body (stone) and it was worshiped during the chanting. Such divine consciousness was awakened and manifested in the body. Lord Shiva was worshiped in this way. The construction of idols came into vogue much later.


Gender means identity, a symbol through which you can know what is truth - what is reality? What is not visible, it can be identified by one thing - that is gender. When a child is born, it is only through sex that we can find out whether it is male or female. This is the reason that genitals are also called linga.

In the same way, how will you identify the Creator of the universe? Just like you identify a man or woman - to identify God, make a symbol of them and combine them. Those who have no identity in any form and who are omnipresent in this creation, through which they are identified - that is the Shiva Linga.

Shivalinga is the most ancient symbol of Lord Shiva. Where you grow from shapeless to shapeless. It symbolizes the representation of the universe and the universe. The meaning of Shivalinga is not only that of Shiva but it is also a symbol of the ultimate consciousness that is silently appearing and always moving.

Many times you must have seen that small things bother you. Your mind gets caught in raga - malice. Except for all the ragas and malice on Shivaratri , just concentrate on Lord Shiva and know that everything is Lord Shiva, everything belongs to him and everything is going to merge into him. We are all part of the procession of Lord Shiva. You must have heard that Shivaji's procession includes all kinds of beings. Siddhajans, sages, intellectuals and even idiots are all part of this divine procession, we are all part of Shivji's family. When you experience this, then the whole life becomes a celebration.

What is rudra pooja ??

There is a practice of worshiping Rudra every Monday in India since time immemorial. Rudra depicts the mighty form of Lord Shiva. Worship is meant to be done with perfection. Worshiping Rudra or being physically present in it is done to bring inner peace and perfection within us. Rudra Puja has been described as the greatest worship by Vedic texts. Due to which the ill effects are removed, the desire is fulfilled and there is all-round prosperity. According to astrological scriptures, Rudra Puja has been described as a remedy for the prevention of many defects.


This world is a game of energy, positive and negative. When we worship Shiva - Shiva; Rudra Pooja is the easiest way to destroy whatever negative energy is in and around us in the form of disease, depression and sadness. By doing this positive energy like peace, joy and prosperity increases. Which makes our body, mind and soul happy.


In Rudra Puja, a crystal shivling (which symbolically represents Lord Shiva) is anointed with yogurt, milk, ghee, honey, etc. Shivling is adorned with sandalwood, bhasma and flowers, and Bel Patra, Dhatura and fruits are offered with love. God is duly worshiped with reverence and gratitude. In the Ved Agama Vedic Mahapathala (Gurukul), specially trained priests and students studying Vedic education perform this special puja. The chanting of mantras during the puja is so pure and steady that the entire atmosphere is filled with divinity and everyone feels intense meditation.

Come and celebrate Mahashivaratri with traditional Vedic practice under the guidance of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar .

Levels OF Experiencing SHIVA

There are 4 levels of experiencing divinity intimately.

1. Affable

Samipya means to know that we are very close to that divine consciousness and we are very dear to them as well. When will you get this experience? Will it be received tomorrow, will it be received the next day, or will it be experienced ten days later or a few months later? No! Now, at this very moment, suppose that you are very close to the divinity. This is what the Guru does. The Guru helps you to experience that divinity.

2. contiguous

The idea is to feel that divinity and to awaken that divinity within yourself. Whenever you meditate, you become aware of that divinity; You also feel that divinity. For example: - The air is all around us and outside in us every moment, but we do not feel it every moment. Similarly, our cover is surrounded by God every moment, but we do not realize His presence. To experience the presence of divinity itself, we worship, perform yagna and celebrate various festivals.

3. Compensable

Sarupya means seeing divinity everywhere and within yourself and in every particle. To feel that "Divinity is in me, is now, this is it, this is the moment and I am the symbol of that divine consciousness". This means, to bring to your memory that you and all the people around you are not separate from that divine consciousness, but are only a part of that divinity. This isolation can be realized only in deep relaxation and in silence. Only a calm, stagnant mind can experience it.

4. Combined

The fourth and most important level of feeling of divinity is saujya. Sayujya means being completely united with the divinity, where you do not see anything different between yourself and that divine consciousness. In this state nothing is duality, all is non-duality. This perfection can be experienced only and only in intense silence. In that state where you become one with God.

These are the four levels of samadhi. In samadhi (i.e. deep relaxation), we unite with Param - Shiva.

Shivaratri bhajan, divine voice and you!

Bhajans in the devine voice

Shivaratri bhajan, divine voice and you!

During Shivratri, bhajan songs are in vogue as bhajans are a favorite part of festivals and celebrations. And when hundreds of people sing hymns together, the atmosphere is filled with divinity and bliss. How does this happen?

Why does it happen that some special sounds have a special effect on our mind? What is the effect of Bhajan of Mahashivaratri?

You are not the only one to ask these questions. Actually, many people had the same questions before you.

It starts with a small village in South Bangalore, India. A spiritual master sat with some disciples. Some melodious music was coming from the background, in which some of the melodious notes were also singing in mixed tone. After some time, when the atmosphere was a little quiet, the conversation started -

A disciple asked Guruji: What is the effect of singing bhajans during satsang?

Guruji replied: Whenever we sing, our mind keeps gathering in a particular direction. There are two aspects of your brain, one works for your logical thinking and the other for functionality. So sometimes you think and sometimes you sing. Satsang is the coordination of both.

Can you tell us about the mantra chanting? Whenever I chant, I feel something awake inside. what is that?

These mantras are very ancient. Sound waves exist in space for centuries. Since the destruction of energy is not possible, that is why these sounds always exist in the vast consciousness. Whenever we chant these ancient mantras, they reach deep within us. That is why Vedic chanting and mantras help us at all levels of our existence on a microscopic level.

Our existence is millions of years old and the chanting of 'Om Namah Shivaya' started since then. That's why whenever that sound energy touches you, the energy of the same wavelength starts flowing in you. Whenever we chant, the innermost surface of our consciousness also feels pulsating.

Yes! This is true. This conversation took place. More about it .. ever again ....

There is a science of sounds produced from the hymn. It is very detailed as well as interesting. So unite in the sounds of this Shivaratri bhajan and get ready for the carnival. Bhajan means - 'dispense'. Learn more interesting facts-

  • Mantras are like electric energy and whenever you sing in satsang, the energy released from it enters you, which increases your energy level.
  • Mantras and knowledge have a profound effect on our consciousness. They make us energetic and elevate our consciousness.
  • Music is a quality of the sky element. By singing hymns and chanting, there is pulsing in the inner sky element. Sound energy makes all other elements alive and enriched. It is believed that these elements take care of the mind and make you happy and happy.
  • Whenever we sing hymns, the sound energy is absorbed in our body's ROM. Just as a microphone converts sound energy into electrical energy, our body converts sound energy into consciousness.
  • Singing brings stability within us. Singing means being immersed in music, and getting in tune with it, moving in meditation and becoming blissful.

Are Mahashivaratri bhajans special?

Yes of course! A special feature of Maha Shivaratri hymns is that they give a feeling of peaceful vibrations. Then either you are forced to snort or you drown in the depth of meditation. Here are some Shiva mantras, hymns and hymns that we must have listened to-

Shivoham Shivoham
'Shivoham Shivoham' - 'I am Shiva and I am Shiva'. The essence of Shiva is always a new existence of consciousness. You start experiencing it as you sing and sing, but despite the experience, remain calm.

Shiva Shambho Shambho
Shambho means 'address'; It means 'wonderful'. Bho means 'you / you'; Peace means grace, peace, bliss; Shambho means 'Amazing Consciousness'.

ॐ Namah Shivaya
ॐ Namah Shivaya - These five letters of Sanskrit language express the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and sky. ॐ means' God who is the latent manifestation of the expressed world. Mind, intellect, memory, ego and soul are latent aspects of consciousness. Chanting this mantra daily 108 times brings peace and self-realization in life.

Shiva Lingashtakam
Shiva Lingashtakam is the most sacred and powerful mantra of Lord Shiva. There is a belief that those who worship the devotees with devotion to this Ashtapadi of Shiva Lingam surely attain Moksha (Shivloka).

Rudram Mantra
Shree Shri Rudram is an ancient hymn taken from the Yajurveda. This is a very important and powerful mantra. Here whatever part of the Takka is done, some portion of Rudram is pronounced in it. One of the characteristics of Rudram is that it gives freedom from all negative impurities.

Shree Rudrashatkam Stotram of
Lord Shiva - This stotra is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It was composed by Hindu devotional Margi saint and poet Tulsidas. According to Hindu Puranas, this is a powerful way to please Lord Shiva and get his blessings.

Shiva Shadakshara Stotram
This beautiful hymn is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is said that by listening to it, a positive energy is transmitted to the human being.

Gurudev says, it is not necessary to know the meaning of songs, nor do we sing it for any particular 'God'. So just sing and experience the energy and sensations of the bhajan. These songs are not sung in the prayers of any 'special', they are just a medium to learn to drown in oneself. You sing so that your inner energy field expands. And the energy field is exactly what we and you are made of.

Then sing, if you sing even a little disharmony, it doesn't matter.

Meditation to do on mahashivratri

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