Friday, January 21, 2022




 I wish every day was a sunday. There are seven days in a week , but we all love the day is SUNDAY.  As we all know that Sunday is a holiday , it also knowns for the weekends. Most of us  always celebrate this day as a FUNDAY, plan for outings and  one holiday tour for relaxing . But now a days due to COVID-19 Pandamic we are forced to remain inside our houses.

Most of us love the SUNDAY and it is our favourate day. Many of us like to sleep more, relax more, eat favourate  dishes, play intresting games like cricket, football, badmenton,kabbadi etc.

Sunday is my favourite day  from childhood because  we have a hoilday on sunday when I was in school I remember that on every saturday we kids used to make plans for the SUNDAY's and the Teachers always spoiled our plans by giving many homework assignments. 

But on SUNDAY we did everything except the homework assignments. The sunday schedule was getting up late then heavy breakfast till 11 am while watching the idiot box and Animated series.  Then in afternoon doing delicious lunch while watching a movie on DOORDARSHAN channel. 

Then at evening 4pm we all kids of our society would gathered on playground and play cricket till the whole evening. Then from somewhere one sound comes which was come home kid .

Then there were the annowing questions from parents have you done the homework ??              This alerts us that I have not done the homework, then the next 2 hours would get over in completing the homework. At 9pm we would be doing the special "SUNDAY FUNDAY DINNER" with a special dish made by mother while watching a sunday blockbuster movie.

Then DAD gives a warning goto sleep now otherwise you will be late in getting up and will be late for the school tommorrow, this line alerts me that "SUNDAY FUNDAY IS GETTING OVER". This was my "SUNDAY FUNDAY STORY".


  • I wish everyday was a SUNDAY
  • I play  cricket all the day and no one scolds me.
  • Mother prepares a special dish for SUNDAY.
  • I wish the Sundays were bit longer then 24 hours.
  • My wish is to go for outing on SUNDAY morning and enjoy the whole day visiting new places in the city and come home in the night just for sleeping.
  • At the end of the SUNDAY I wish a sad farewell to my dear Sunday and wish it comes  again as soon as possible.
  • The perfect Sunday would be a day  free of troubles, full of fun, peace, joy, love, laughter, happiness spending good quality time with friends and family.


  • Fill your heart with courage and your mind with positive thoughts on this SUNDAY, make sure you are all set for a new start.
  • SUNDAY, A day to refuel your soul and be gratefull for your blessings. Take a deep breath and relax, Enjoy your day And make this Sunday a Funday.
  • Today is Sunday, Sometimes you should have to chill out for a bit.
  • Happy Sunday, May the sunday bring all the good things to your life.
  • Sunday should always come with a pause button.     


Sunday should be celebrated as a Funday as it relaxes all of us from the daily routine

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