Saturday, April 2, 2022




A hashtag is a metadata tag that is prefaced by the hash symbol,

 #. Hashtags are widely used on microblogging and photo-sharing services such as Twitter and Instagram as a form of user-generated tagging that enables cross-referencing of content sharing a subject or theme


Think of hashtags as a way to connect social media content to a specific topic, event, theme or conversation. They also make it easier to discover posts around those specific topics, because hashtags aggregate all social media content with that same hashtag.


A hashtag is a label used on social media sites that makes it easier to find information with a theme or specific content.

 Hashtags encourage social media users to explore content that catches their eye.

 Associations can use hashtags to reach their target audience and to help members filter information.

The word hashtag, used to refer to the symbol (#) in Twitter,

 is a combination of the word hash from hash mark and the word tag, 

a way to mark something as belonging to a specific category.


In 1988, the first hash symbol was used on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to label groups and topics that were available across the entire network. 

They were used for grouping similar messages and content to make it easy for users to find the information they were looking for.

Who invented the hashtag symbol?

Chris Messina

Meet the man who 'invented' the #hashtag

But the concept of tagging social media groups or topics with a hashtag is credited to one man,

 Chris Messina. He's a product designer who has been working in Silicon Valley for more than a decade

While running an internet consulting company in 2007, he had an idea.

“There was a small group of us in San Francisco using an early social network called Twitter,

” Messina said. “We were thinking Twitter needs some kind of group organizing framework.”

He got the idea of using a hashtag from Internet chat rooms that had a pound symbol in front of them.

He decided to pitch the idea to Twitter, but the company told him it was “nerdy” and that it would never catch on.But now hash tags are used as they are the keyword to search anything on internet, for example if I typed #cricket then I will get information.


“I didn’t create this idea for Twitter,” he said. 

“I created this idea for the Internet and 

I wanted anybody who could write text on the Internet to be able to participate in global conversations.”

What is the origin of hashtag symbol?

The # symbol goes in front of a word or words to group that tweet or post with other tweets or posts about the same topic.

 It all started back on Aug.23, 2007 with a tweet by San Francisco techie and former Google developer Chris Messina.

 He wrote on Twitter, 

“How do you feel about using # (pound) for groups


Why #hashtags rule and how to use them properly

Most likely you've noticed some hashtag happiness on social media as people put the pound sign (#) in front of words or phrases to designate a specific topic.

Many are hashtagging correctly,

 but others are putting the # sign between every other word in a tweet or update.

 Don't be that person. 

Learn how to hashtag properly, and take advantage of a powerful social media strategy.

When getting started with using hashtags for your own purposes, consider these important rules:

Always use the # before your chosen keywords.

Do not use punctuation or spaces in hashtags. ...

Never put characters immediately before the #. ...

Use letters and numbers, never numbers alone. ...

Keep it brief!

#Understanding The Hashtag

It’s best to know the purpose of a hashtag before you can understand how to use it. 

Started on Twitter as a way to organize and search content,

the hashtag has now spread to Facebook, Google+, Google, and other platforms. 

The hashtag is the way we now manage and monitor digital content.


Anyone can! 

Big brands build hashtags to create and monitor a conversation surrounding a specific topic.

Individuals use hashtags to either take part in a larger conversation or begin a conversation of their own.

Hashtags can be created by anyone.

 They can gain popularity organically based on current events or pop culture – #bieber, #boston, #grammys.

Or they can be created to use for events like conferences or as part of a advocacy or marketing campaign – #NTC14, #FairTweets, #MakeItCount


You can monitor a hashtag in the search option of Twitter or you can visit sites like

and check out what’s being talked about, the top influencers, and even usage patterns.

 There is even a Twitter Account for @hashtag that monitors conversations and all things hashtags.


When getting started with using hashtags for your own purposes, consider these important rules:

Always use the # before your chosen keywords.

Do not use punctuation or spaces in hashtags.If there are numerous keywords in a hashtag, #theyshouldallflowtogether in one fluid phrase.

Never put characters immediately before the #. For example, it wouldn't be: news#WorldCup.

Instead, you'd write: #WorldCupNews

Use letters and numbers, never numbers alone.

Using all numbers like #1 will not generate a positive search but #No1insports will.

Keep it brief! Some people use too many words in a hashtag.

Use the most distinguishable keywords or phrase as possible.

Use hashtags to make your content more searchable, and to add a fresh element to your social media marketing.

How do I create my own hashtag?

Brainstorm. The hashtag will be representing your brand but it also needs to be short and sweet. ...

Research. Check if it's already in use. ...

Promote. Write about your hashtag on all social media. ...

Monitor. Make sure you monitor what people tag with your hashtag, and interact with them whenever it makes sense.

Trends on Twitter

Trending hasgtags of 2020 in INDIA on Social Media

#india - 46%

#love - 8%

#instagram - 8%

#photography - 6%

#instagood - 5%

#mumbai - 5%

#kerala - 5%

#bhfyp - 4%

#follow - 4%

#nature - 4%

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